
Are you tired of dealing with manual and outdated accounting systems?

With digital tools, you can revolutionise the way you approach business financial management. Through smart automation and AI-driven insights, you can manage your finances quickly and easily.  From forecasting and budgeting to bookkeeping and payroll, all the aspects of financial management are simplified with automated tools. By taking advantage of these innovative technologies, you can cut down on paperwork and manual processes so you have more time to focus on the big picture: growth. 

At J&S Accounting
, we specialise in using modern technologies to make accounting more efficient and intuitive. We help you leverage AI-powered analytics, automate financial reporting, and develop a complete view of your finances. Whether it's cost reduction strategies or effective risk management solutions, we’re here to guide you every step of the way. Say goodbye to cumbersome paperwork and say hello to simplified, smarter financials.

Contact us now for comprehensive advice on all aspects of business structuring and start transforming the way you do business.

Company Formation

We know that starting a business can be intimidating, but it doesn't have to be. Let us help you take the first steps with confidence. Our team of professionals can assist with everything from selecting the right corporate structure and drafting incorporation documents to registering your business with the relevant authorities and establishing financial systems. Our services can assist you in the process of company incorporation so that you can get your business off the ground quickly and successfully. Get started on your path to success today!

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a man shaking a hand from a woman. there is coffee and a laptop.
a guy with a watch reading the news paper

Virtual FD

Are you a growing or scaling business that needs some help managing your finances? We offer virtual financial director services to make sure that your finances are managed efficiently and effectively. With our assistance, you will have the ability to set realistic goals and budget accordingly. Our virtual financial director services provide all the support you need, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your business while we manage the finances. We will work with you on financial strategies and provide timely, informed decisions that make sure your business remains profitable. From understanding cash flow and creating budgets, to managing taxes and investments, we are here to provide expert advice.

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Corporate Tax

Managing corporate taxes can be overwhelming. We offer a full range of services from preparing and submitting corporate tax returns, providing timely advice and filing appeals when necessary. We understand the importance of filing accurate and timely returns and being tax-efficient, so we make sure our clients don't miss out on any credits or deductions they are entitled to. Our team of experienced professionals are here to provide personalised solutions tailored to meet your needs, so you can focus on growing your business instead of worrying about the complexities of taxation.

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a calculator on a sheet of paper with a pen and note clip
some sheets and and some pens. with some blocks that spell out the word TAX.


Let us help you prepare and submit your VAT returns with ease. We understand that it can be complicated and overwhelming, which is why our experienced team is here to make the process hassle-free. We have vast experience in multiple industries and can provide all the necessary guidance to keep your business compliant with the relevant tax authorities.

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Personal Tax

No one enjoys filing taxes. The process can be complicated and time-consuming, but it doesn't have to be.  We take the stress out of preparing and submitting your self-assessment tax return so you don’t have to worry about any potential errors. Our experienced team of experts can ensure that all relevant regulations are met, ensuring full compliance with the tax authorities. Let us take care of the hassle so you can focus on what really matters.

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a guy looking happy looking at something smiling whilst sitting at a desk with an open book in his hand. he is in an office environment.
2 people with glasses at an office environement with pens and paper at a desk

Business Services

We offer a wide range of business services tailored to meet the needs of small and medium sized enterprises. We understand the complexities involved in running a business and strive to provide practical solutions that enable your business to thrive. 

1. Accounting: Keeping up to date and accurate records of your business' financials is essential. Our experienced team of accounting professionals can help you keep on top of your finances with solutions that are tailored to your specific needs. 

2. Bookkeeping: If you're looking for an efficient way to track your daily finances, we can help you with bookkeeping services that make managing money simpler. Our bookkeepers are certified in industry best practices and can give you the advice and assistance needed to run a successful business. 

3. Payroll Processing: Handling payroll efficiently is one of the most important tasks when it comes to running a business. We offer customised payroll processing solutions to ensure all your employees are paid accurately and on time each month. 

4. Business Consulting: From helping start-ups establish themselves in their respective markets to assisting mature businesses move forward, our professional consultants have experience across many industries and can offer valuable advice to help achieve success. 

5. Business Coaching: Having an experienced mentor who can provide guidance through tough decisions or simply encourage greater performance is invaluable in any enterprise - and that's what our coaches offer. They'll bring the knowledge and expertise you need for growing or restructuring your business model, no matter what stage it's at.

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Business Advisory

Are you looking to maximise your business's growth and value? With our experience in advising and restructuring businesses, we have the knowledge to assist you in achieving success. We can work with you to come up with a tailored plan for your specific goals and challenges, allowing your business to reach its full potential. Whether you're looking for improved processes, optimised cash flow, or organisational alignment, we can tailor a solution that meets the needs of your business. Additionally, our restructuring expertise can ensure that your company is organised in the most efficient way possible, enabling improved efficiency and cost savings.

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